Engineers Katta

Nothing is official

Putting knowledge into action.

Understand, develop and use technology to solve field problems by your own way.

About The WebSite

Purpose of this website is to have a FORUM for sharing ideas and their endeavours among engineers working in the field of electrical engineering; particularly transmission system.

However at this first stage only Guest-Book is available which can be used for communication among members.

Along with the forum, some ideas and works carried out is presented here; which may be helpful to electrical engineers. This work is in the form of information, presentations, animations simulations, applications etc.

JOIN the group and share your ideas.

Why I shall be a member
Became the member what’s next

Contents of this website is the outcome of the efforts taken by group of engineers during addressing some problem/work collectively. The work developed is being made available through this website and this website is designed and maintained by me during my free time. Please come forward and join the group to discuss problems/works noted during your routine / emergency works and keep the same development spirit.


Important Note:
Content of this website as now is only an initial work and can get improve  
BY YOUR FEED BACK ONLY.   And obviously with your help.
As of now the domain name is hosted at hence whenever you click on some link like some_dir/some_page.html of this website it will be interpreted as and obviously link to this page will be

Story for the week
Share your experience with others....

Stories from members about solutions to field problems. Here you will find different stories from the members regarding occurrence analysis, predictive maintenance carried out through diagnostic testing and other innovative ways used in day to day problem-solving.

DGA-Assessment of measuring accuracy.


Available for field testing

Here are screenshots of some of the projects which are available for downloading and implementing as field solutions. These projects depends upon open source GPL-3 license. Hence you can use it without any license fee.

You might find it useful..

These tools developed using Excel. These tools may be useful for daya to day simple calculations. However before to using these tools it is requested to go through my blog. Where you can find information about setting methodology used.

You can't build a great building on a weak foundation.

People use to say that "there is a lot of difference between theory and practical"; but actually when such difference noticed it means we fail to applying theorotical knowledge properly. Thus for understanding the problem properly and finding it's solution sound theoritical knowledge is necessary. Here are some presentations which will help in improvement in theorotical knowledge.

Develop together....

Right now usual forum page is not available you can express your viewes with Visitor-Book. Using Visitor-book you can also put field problems and your experience. you can contribute by publiching your artical or presentation; for that file upload facility will be provided soon. Till the time you can forward your artical to my personal e-mail

Importent Messages
  • IEC61850 Simulator ICD File URL not working The above URL for IEC61850 ICD File ia dead. Can you please reupload it or provide an alternative link ?
    01/07/24 15:35

  • join to forum
    07/03/21 11:20

  • Forum Announcement
    It is a common situation to have a forum feature for a well-designed website. However, such a case could not become possible for the original website i.e. Hence Website/Web-application started as a separate entity; which requires a separate registration. Hope you can understand the situation and have registered here.
    10/10/20 12:01

  • Forum page redirect trial
    This is for forum page redirect trial
    07/10/20 16:12

  • A message from Anil Mahindrakar
    Dear Admin, I have read the paper on Zero Sequence current provided by J.R. Kulkarni. Its a nice initiative. WE hope to have feast of such papers here on wards. Thanks for sharing the knowledge. With regards Anil Mahindrakar Ex. Engineer AC&I, C.O., MSETCL, Mumbai. Mobile No. 8554995155
    06/10/20 15:15

  • A message from Anil Mahindrakar
    Dear Admin, I have read the paper on Zero Sequence current provided by J.R. Kulkarni. Its a nice initiative. WE hope to have feast of such papers here on wards. Thanks for sharing the knowledge. With regards Anil Mahindrakar Ex. Engineer AC&I, C.O., MSETCL, Mumbai. Mobile No. 8554995155
    06/10/20 15:15

  • Online Comtrade Viewer
    As the name suggests, Viewing of DR & thereby its analysis for the confirmation of adopted protection philosophy is the prime job of protection engineer. This tool will help these engineers to view & analyze the DR even on mobile, is a good facility. Vasekar Saheb has done a commendable work during his tenure and still contributing with the same enthusiasm is really appreciable. He is providing new tools for us, let us use them & provide feedback for further improvements ...
    Anil Mahindrakar
    27/09/20 12:47

    There are many elegant desktop applications for viewing and analyzing the disturbance record(s) stored in the protection device. Generally, such an application gets installed on the computer as a part of the respective relay manufacturer's application for managing the product. Whenever the disturbance record (DR) files are shared with others; it is quite possible that the person to whom files are shared; may not have the software to view the file. Also shared files do not get linkups properly and permanently with other occurrence details. Thus here an online version of protective relay disturbance data (i.e.COMTRADE file) viewing software has been made available. Where members of this site expected to - 1) Create the occurrence entry. 2) Attach DR (COMTRADE) file to created disturbance. (NOTE: actually there is a pair of (a) *.cfg and (b) *.dat file of the same name but having a different extension. You need to upload both files). 3) View the file after selecting the respective disturbance and file. Please do visit Engineers Katta >> Solution Section >> COMTRADE VIEWER Your feedback about bugs is most welcome for improvement.
    25/09/20 23:14

  • In each EHV S/S 14 to 20 33kV feeders....
    It is necessary to compare the load on each feeder with that of Maharashtra. If it is more than 200 A and fag end not getting voltage then there is certainly scope for providing additional EHV S/S.
    19/09/20 16:44

  • Bay erection by M/S L & T
    At one of the 132kV SS line bay is erected by L & T. In this LA is after CC, WT. They claim it as per approved drawing. Please coment
    मुकुंद राळेगणकर
    19/09/20 13:56

  • Earthing of power transformer/ ict
    In MP trans co, transformer neutral earth is by bare 400/520 conductor. It lay above ground from neutral to earth pit. There by neutral & body earthing (ms flat) are separate up to earth pit, physically seen. In each ehv sub station 14 to 20, 33kV feeder are emanating. Two 33kV bus ie main & TBC. Transformer capacity's 20, 40, 63, 160, 315 MVA.
    मुकुंद राळेगणकर
    19/09/20 13:50

  • My Feedback about this website
    Good initiative sirji. The website is very impressive and certainly will change our sight towards problems in power system. Solutions, tools, forum & virtual lab will boost our confidence & increase our knowledge. Great efforts are taken by you sir. Thank you very much.
    Sunildatta Vasantrao Kulkarni
    17/09/20 23:26

  • Engineers Day
    Best wishes for Engineers Day, Wish you pass through, all your testing times, in life.
    Shiv Mulange
    15/09/20 20:44

  • Engineers day good wishes
    Engineers day good wishes
    vasudha aundhekar
    15/09/20 18:47

  • Happy Engineer's Day..!!
    " The engineer's first problem in any design situation is to discover what the problem really is. " - Sir Henry Royce
    Ketan J W
    15/09/20 17:41

  • Happy Engineer's Day!
    My first message at Engineering katta. Hello world!
    Mohit Bangale
    15/09/20 14:11

    " Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing to take away" Happy Engineer's day to all here....
    Satish Ranmale
    15/09/20 12:12

    HAPPY ENGINEER'S DAY TO all the dignitaries here. Thanks to Vasekar Guruji for creating this useful platform and inviting me. Looking forward to gain gems of knowledge from my Masters.
    Girish Malode
    15/09/20 10:40

  • Happy Engineer's Day! 2020
    One man’s “magic” is another man’s engineering. “Supernatural” is a null word. Happy Engineer's Day!
    15/09/20 08:55

  • Lab projects
    Solved all the projects given in Lab. It is very easy and interesting way to learn the basics behind electronics circuit and components. Really find it very helpful.
    Swapnil Hajari
    09/09/20 20:48

  • Release of Virtual Lab
    On the eve of independence day the section virtual lab has been released; where you can perform experiments and learn about electronics
    15/08/20 20:39

  • Website working
    Sir, this web site is smoothly working. Pages opens quickly. Even I tried it on my phone, and it works fine.
    Vijay Katrale
    10/08/20 14:17

  • New protection philosophy in EHV Substation
    R/sir, In line differential there is any provision for correct measurement of fault distance, as shown by line signature kit (Taurus). " SAMPLE COMMENT "
    Ashfaque Ahmed
    02/08/20 14:47

  • New protection philosophy in EHV Substation
    It has now become significant to provide Line Differential Protection to all important lines instead of present Distance Protection. Considering the inherent shortfalls noted in Distance protection, the Ramkrishna committee has suggested to provide Unit protection in the form of Line Differential. As the communication channel is being made available in the form of dedicated FO cable between the EHV stations, provision of Line Differential relays should not be a major problem. This will ensure, simultaneous tripping of faulty section from both end without requiring the dedicated PLCC / FOTE channels earlier required for Tele-protection in Line Distance relays. **A sample comment**
    Anil Mahindrakar
    02/08/20 12:09

  • Homepage uploaded
    Members of Katta are requested to share their views here.
    26/07/20 19:49

  • Working fine
    Working it as expected. small but ok
    20/07/20 14:51

  • Commented from my mobile.
    This is the comment sent from my mobile device. Whether it get uploaded properly.
    19/07/20 19:22

  • Now visit book separated from profile page
    As standard practice it is now visit book but surely will develop as forum
    Admin SVC
    19/07/20 11:36

  • Check working
    Checking whether along with this profile getting editable
    18/07/20 11:29

  • Closing day comments
    Today's work completed. Closing the day now. Its 18:55
    17/07/20 18:55

  • What is time now
    Now time is 17/07/20 12:25
    17/07/20 12:25

  • Checking time
    Minor correction remaining
    17/07/20 12:13

  • Again quick comment
    One more quick comment for testing
    17/07/20 11:59

  • Quick Comment
    This is a quick comment
    17/07/20 11:53

  • Checking after commenting out insert template
    This trial is for checking how the comment uploaded if commented out the insert template section...
    17/07/20 10:33

  • First comment from profile page
    This is my first comment from profile page..... I will check whether it get uploaded.
    17/07/20 10:11

  • Some Random Thing
    scsdc dsad dwdd dsdw dwdw werdweew ffew ewdd vdsdfe rewrweew feweww rwqewqf sfss scsdc dsad dwdd dsdw dwdw werdweew ffew ewdd vdsdfe rewrweew feweww rwqewqf sfss scsdc dsad dwdd dsdw dwdw werdweew ffew ewdd vdsdfe rewrweew feweww rwqewqf sfss scsdc dsad dwdd dsdw dwdw werdweew ffew ewdd vdsdfe rewrweew feweww rwqewqf sfss scsdc dsad dwdd dsdw dwdw werdweew ffew ewdd vdsdfe rewrweew feweww rwqewqf sfss scsdc dsad dwdd dsdw dwdw werdweew ffew ewdd vdsdfe rewrweew feweww rwqewqf sfss scsdc dsad dwdd dsdw dwdw werdweew ffew ewdd vdsdfe rewrweew feweww rwqewqf sfss
    24/06/20 12:56

  • Email Ref.
    1) 2)
    24/06/20 12:54

  • Hello
    24/06/20 12:51

Virtual Lab
When I do, I understand....

There is a famous quote "I listen and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand...". No need to explain more. With this view here a virtuil lab section provided. Though this section is useful for students; filed engineers may also find it interisting. In this virtual lab we can simulate some simple experiments interactively from electrical engineering, electronics, physics etc. These experiments helps in understanding fundamentals.

Do It Yourself

Engineering is extension of science and mathematics....

Scientist discovers principles of nature; whereas technologists first time makes its use in day to day applications. Engineers reuse it in daily life. Thus an enginner must know his roots and try for refinement of his knowledge. With this view here is some content form science, mathematics, computer etc. which may find useful and interesting.

Contact Us
For more insight....

Physical Address....

Akshara Computer Center, Samarth Nagar, Aurangabad.


Register Now....


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